Dove è nato Eddie Murphy?

Dove è nato Eddie Murphy?
Brooklyn, New York, Stati Uniti Eddie Murphy/Luogo di nascita
What is Eddie Murphy's real name?
- Edward Regan Murphy was born Ap in Brooklyn, New York, to Lillian Lynch (born: Lillian Laney), a telephone operator, and Charles Edward Murphy, a transit police officer who was also an amateur comedian and actor. After his father died, his mother married Vernon Lynch, a foreman at a Breyer's Ice Cream plant.
How old is Eddie Murphy from the Nutty Professor?
- Eddie Murphy, Actor: The Nutty Professor. Edward Regan Murphy was born Ap in Brooklyn, New York, to Lillian Lynch (born: Lillian Laney), a telephone operator, and Charles Edward Murphy, a transit police officer who was also an amateur comedian and actor.
Does Eddie Murphy have a movie of his live stand-up performance?
- After achieving fame with Saturday Night Live and Beverly Hills Cop, Eddie Murphy released a film version of one of his live stand-up performances.
Who is Edward Regan Murphy?
- (Error Code: 102630) Edward Regan Murphy was born Ap in Brooklyn, New York, to Lillian Lynch (born: Lillian Laney), a telephone operator, and Charles Edward Murphy, a transit police officer who was also an amateur comedian and actor. After his father died, his mother married Vernon Lynch, a foreman at a Breyer's Ice Cream plant.