Quanti abitanti ha Tarvisio?

Quanti abitanti ha Tarvisio?
Popolazione Tarvisio
Anno | Data rilevamento | Popolazione residente |
2017 | 31 dicembre | 4.224 |
2018* | 31 dicembre | 4.220 |
2019* | 31 dicembre | 4.154 |
2020* | 31 dicembre | 4.102 |
Where is Tarvisio located?
- As a place upon ancient trade routes across the Alps to Venice, Tarvisio's roots date back to Roman times.
Why Live at travisso?
- Take in the breathtaking views and natural scenery, enjoy the outstanding amenities and award winning Palazzo Clubhouse and know that life at Travisso is truly the good life. Located near northwest Austin's high tech employment center, within the acclaimed Leander school district and close to shopping and recreation.
What are some of the major features of Tarvisio?
- Tarvisio features include the parish church Saints Peter and Paul, built in the 15th century, as well as sceneries like the Fusine laghi mountain lakes. At the summit of the 1,789-metre (5,869 ft) Mount Lussari ( Italian: Monte Lussari, German: Luschariberg, Slovene: Svete Višarje) is a pilgrimage church,...
Where to go skiing in Tarvisio?
- The area around the Sella Nevea mountain pass between Tarvisio and Chiusaforte is also a popular ski resort. For decades, Tarvisio benefited economically from people coming from Austria and Yugoslavia for shopping trips.