Quanto costa entrare in area Ca Milano?

Quanto costa entrare in area Ca Milano?
Per tutti: 5 euro. Per i residenti: 2 euro (dopo aver esaurito 40 ingressi gratuiti caricati automaticamente all'inizio dell'anno) Veicoli di servizio: 3 euro (oppure 5 euro con 2 ore di sosta nelle strisce blu incluse)
Che veicoli possono entrare in Area C?
autovetture Euro 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 diesel con FAP after-market installato entro il e con classe di adeguamento (riportata sulla carta di circolazione) per la massa di particolato pari almeno ad Euro 4; autovetture Euro 5 diesel.
What is the Ecopass program in Milan?
- The Milan Mayor, Letizia Moratti, launched the Ecopass program even with opposition among her own political allies, and the original plan had to be scaled down to a smaller area, and the traffic restricted zone (ZTL) project was reduced significantly.
How do I pay the Ecopass fee?
- The Ecopass fee can be paid before entering the ZTL or up to midnight the next day after entering. There are daily and multiple-day passes. Payment of the fee can be made via internet, by telephone, in designated banks or by direct debit to the user's bank account, by first an Ecopass card must be issue at designated places.
What does Ecopass mean?
- Ecopass. The Ecopass program was a traffic pollution charge implemented in Milan, Italy, as an urban toll for some motorists traveling within a designated traffic restricted zone or ZTL ( Italian: Zone a Traffico Limitato ), corresponding to the central Cerchia dei Bastioni area and encircling around 8.2 km 2 (3.2 sq mi).