Che dimensioni ha un melanoma?

Che dimensioni ha un melanoma?
Può essere piccolo, ma di solito ha dimensioni di 5-6 mm di diametro e tende ad estendersi orizzontalmente, raggiungendo anche dimensioni di alcuni centimetri di diametro (fase di crescita orizzontale).
Come si misura lo spessore del melanoma?
Definito da Breslow nel 1970, si riferisce allo spessore del melanoma escisso. Per misurarlo viene urilizzato un micrometro oculare. Solitamente piu' elevato è lo spessore peggiore è la prognosi.
Can melanoma be mistaken for something else?
- Hidden melanomas. Melanoma in the mouth, digestive tract, urinary tract or vagina. Mucosal melanoma develops in the mucous membrane that lines the nose, mouth, esophagus, anus, urinary tract and vagina. Mucosal melanomas are especially difficult to detect because they can easily be mistaken for other far more common conditions.
What is a large lesion in superficial melanoma?
- Dermoscopy of superficial melanoma By the time in situ and invasive superficial spreading melanoma (SSM) is recognised as a changing or distinctive lesion by the patient or their doctor, it is often large (>6mm). Characteristically, superficial melanoma is asymmetrical and irregular in shape and structure.
What is the difference between acral melanoma and superficial melanoma?
- This type of superficial spreading melanoma has large intraepidermal nests of tumour cells. These result in a globular pattern. The glbules are varied in shape, colour and distribution within the lesion. Acral melanoma (palms and soles) tends to be much deeper than is suspected from its flat nature.
What are the dermoscopic features of melanoma?
- The dermoscopic features are enormously variable. Early melanoma is relatively organised but as time progresses, it becomes more disorganised, and this is reflected by the dermoscopy. Melanomas have features indicating their melanocytic origin: Many other features have been described in melanoma. And they may be relatively featureless.