Come si chiamano i ristoranti di Bastianich?

Come si chiamano i ristoranti di Bastianich?
Segue l'apertura di ben altri sette ristoranti, sempre a New York, "Lupa", "Esca", "Casa Mono", "Bar Jamòn", "Otto", "Del Posto" e "Eataly" dove ha il cinquanta per cento delle quote insieme ad Oscar Farinetti.
Quanti locali ha Bastianich?
Sul suo sito Internet ufficiale si contano ben 17 ristoranti, ma stando a quanto ha rivelato Bastianich stesso in un'intervista postata su Tik Tok il numero sarebbe ben maggiore. Joe è, infatti, comproprietario e socio anche di numerose altre attività.
How many restaurants does Joseph Bastianich own?
- Joseph Bastianich (born Septem) is an American restaurateur, winemaker, author, and television personality. He, along with partners Lidia Bastianich and Mario Batali, own thirty restaurants in four countries, including Babbo (1 Michelin star) and Del Posto in New York; Carnevino in Las Vegas;
What is Joseph Bastianich's family background?
- Family background and personal life. The son of Felice and Lidia Bastianich, Joseph Bastianich was born in Astoria, Queens in 1968. Raised working in his parents' Italian restaurant Felidia in Manhattan, he attended Fordham Preparatory School before attending Boston College, where he studied finance.
Where does Michael Bastianich live now?
- Raised working in his parents' Italian restaurant Felidia in Manhattan, he attended Fordham Preparatory School before attending Boston College, where he studied finance. Bastianich lives in New York City, with his wife, Deanna, and their children, Olivia, Ethan, and Miles.
What happened to Bastianich on MasterChef Italia?
- MasterChef Italia shown on Sky Uno for its first 8 seasons. In May 2019, Bastianich announced his departure from MasterChef Italia in order to dedicate himself to his passion for music.