Cosa fece Caravaggio?

Cosa fece Caravaggio?

Cosa fece Caravaggio?

Secondo le fonti Caravaggio dipingeva ritratti e copie di devozione. Nel periodo cominciò ad entrare nell'ambiente artistico romano, dove conobbe il già noto pittore messinese Lorenzo Carli, all'epoca con una bottega in via della Scrofa, e dove il giovane Merisi trovò lavoro e soggiorno.

What is Caravaggio most known for?

  • Caravaggio was known for realistically capturing moments of human emotion and painting the drama of psychological relationships.

What style did Caravaggio use?

  • (March 2012) Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (28 September 1571 – ) was an Italian artist. He worked in Rome, Naples , Malta and Sicily between 15. He was a painter who did a type of art called Baroque style. He was the first person to be really good at painting this way.

Why did Caravaggio's works cause public outcry?

  • Through the cardinal, Caravaggio was commissioned, at age 24, to paint for the church of San Luigi dei Francesi. In its Contarelli Chapel Caravaggio's realistic naturalism first fully appeared in three scenes he created of the life of St. Matthew. The works caused public outcry, however, because of their realistic and dramatic nature.

What did Caravaggio invent?

  • Caravaggio invented this groundbreaking technique of light and darkness, with a single, powerful ray of light coming from outside the frame. In his time, the norm in painting was a vague and diffuse light. Caravaggio's contrast of shadow and light produced a totally new intensity and stark realism.

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