Cosa produce clorofluorocarburi?

Cosa produce clorofluorocarburi?

Cosa produce clorofluorocarburi?

Si forma per dispersione meccanica di un liquido, per es. sotto l'azione di un gas propellente o per gorgogliamento di aria o altri gas in contenitori di liquidi.

Dove si trova il Freon?

Questo elettrodomestico, infatti, per funzionare correttamente necessita della giusta temperatura, ed è proprio quest'ultima a dipendere da un gas specifico, chiamato freon. La sostanza si trova all'interno di una vaschetta, che a sua volta è connessa alla serpentina del sistema di raffreddamento.

Chi ha scoperto i CFC e quali sono i loro utilizzi?

Nel 1930 l'americano Thomas Midgley sintetizzò tali composti che ebbero un vero successo industriale per le loro caratteristiche e utilizzati nei cicli frigoriferi a compressione.

Cosa vuol dire CFC free?

Assolutamente privo di CFC e schiumato senza solventi.

What is chlorofluorocarbon used for?

  • Chlorofluorocarbon. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) are gases used for various purposes including solvents, refrigerants and aerosol sprays. They are organic chemicals and contain carbon, (sometimes hydrogen ,) chlorine, and fluorine. They were much used in the middle 20th century, replacing chemicals that were toxic or flammable...

What is the nomenclature of chlorofluorocarbons?

  • Classes of compounds, nomenclature Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs): when derived from methane and ethane these compounds have the formulae CClmF4−m and C2ClmF6−m, where m is nonzero. Hydro-chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs): when derived from methane and ethane these compounds have the formula CClmFnH4−m−n and C2ClxFyH6−x−y, where m, n, x, and y are nonzero.

What is the difference between hydrofluorocarbon and bromofluorocarbons?

  • and bromofluorocarbons have formulae similar to the CFCs and HCFCs but also include bromine. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs): when derived from methane, ethane, propane, and butane, these compounds have the respective formulae CF m H 4−m, C 2 F m H 6−m, C 3 F m H 8−m, and C 4 F m H 10−m, where m is nonzero.

How is chlorodifluoromethane made from chloroform?

  • Illustrative is the synthesis of chlorodifluoromethane from chloroform : Brominated derivatives are generated by free-radical reactions of hydrochlorofluorocarbons, replacing C-H bonds with C-Br bonds. The production of the anesthetic 2-bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane ("halothane") is illustrative:

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