Quanti anni aveva Don Johnson in Miami Vice?

Quanti anni aveva Don Johnson in Miami Vice?
72 anni (15 dicembre 1949) Don Johnson/Età
Cosa vuol dire Miami Vice?
Miami Vice è una serie televisiva statunitense, di genere poliziesco, prodotta dal 19. ... Il nome della serie, non tradotto nella versione italiana, significa letteralmente Il vizio di Miami.
Quanto è alto l'attore Don Johnson?
1,8 m Don Johnson/Altezza
What is Miami Vice about?
- Miami Vice is a crime-drama about two detectives, Sonny Crockett (Don Johnson) and a transplant from New York, Ricardo Tubbs (Phillip Michael Thomas) who fight crime in Miami. Unlike other by-the-book cop shows, this one brought back the cool trend brought in years back with Starsky & Hutch.
What camera did Michael Mann use in Miami Vice?
- Jamie Foxx brought up the idea of a Miami Vice film to Michael Mann during a party for Ali. This led Michael Mann to revisit the series he helped create. Like Collateral, which also starred Foxx, most of the film was shot with the Thomson Viper Filmstream Camera, while Super 35 was used for high-speed and underwater shots.
Why did Michael Mann not write the Miami Vice theme song?
- The original Miami Vice television series composer, Jan Hammer was not asked to compose the soundtrack; Michael Mann did not want to use the theme song. Furthermore, Mann did not want any association with the TV series.
What episode of Miami Vice does Bruce Willis appear in?
- BRUCE WILLIS: Season 1, Episode 7 Bruce Willis also owes the beginning of his small-screen career to Miami Vice, on which he played arms dealer extraordinaire Tony Amato in the show’s first season.