Come si chiama Aureliano Adami?

Come si chiama Aureliano Adami?
Alessandro Borghi Aureliano Adami (stagioni 1-3), interpretato da Alessandro Borghi.
Chi spara a Manfredi?
Aureliano era riuscito a sparare a Manfredi prima che quest'ultimo lo uccidesse.
Is 'Suburra' a prequel or remake?
- For one thing—for one fundamental thing—I believed everything I’d read about Suburra: Blood on Rome, aka Suburra: The Series in Italian, being a prequel to Suburra the film.
What happened to Manfredi and Aureliano?
- The Romans, the Sinti, the Sicilians, the Vatican, the politicians, the businessmen—it turns out it was all too much for either man to handle. Aureliano wound up dead. Spadino wound up in self-imposed exile. Nadia and Angelica, who lost her baby due to Manfredi’s actions, cling to each other because they have nothing else left. The end.
What does Suburra tell us about Rome's new kingpin?
- From the very start of Suburra the series, I believed it would tell us of the rise of Rome’s new kingpin, or kingpins plural, depending on who survived. I believed it would show us the triumphs and tragedies that led to the ascension of one or more ganglords, and leave someone firmly in charge.
Who was the only survivor of Aureliano's shootout?
- Commended to the waters by Spadino himself, the sole survivor of the Aureliano-instigated shootout that saved Spadino at the cost of Aureliano’s own life!