Quando primo tagliando Range Rover Evoque?

Quando primo tagliando Range Rover Evoque?
Su Range Rover Evoque si consiglia di effettuare il tagliando ogni 24.000 km percorsi dal veicolo, ma se non fate molta strada ricordate di non superare i 12 mesi tra una manutenzione ordinaria e l'altra.
Are there any problems with the Range Rover Evoque?
- In the following overview, you will find the most common problems for the Range Rover Evoque, for which Land Rover has announced a recall through the EU Rapex system. For recalls and faults found in the UK scroll down. If the problem is corrected in time, it may not affect the overall reliability of your Range Rover Evoque.
Are there any problems with the Mitsubishi Evoque?
- Unfortunately, it seems build quality can be variable on the Evoque. Most problems centre on the non-engine electrics, especially around the air-con and sat-nav units, with gearbox woes a close second, followed by engine and suspension issues. Automatic gearbox problems on the Evoque are fairly common.
Are there any problems with the tailgate alignment on the Evoque?
- There are known issues with the tailgate alignment on the Evoque. This poor alignment can also mean that the reverse camera on the dashboard could be slightly out and you cannot get a full picture.
What should I do if my Evoque gearbox is worn out?
- The gearbox is a known weak spot for the Evoque, and they tend to wear out quickly. You'll need to find a replacement gearbox unit on our parts list, remove the worn one, and install one that works more effectively.