Cosa comprare con il bonus cultura su Amazon?

Cosa comprare con il bonus cultura su Amazon?
Cosa e come acquistare su Amazon con il bonus cultura Ovvero, chi volesse utilizzare il contributo di 500 euro online può utilizzare il bonus cultura per l'acquisto di libri, eBook Kindle, audiolibri, CD, Vinili e DVD/Blu-ray.
Cosa comprare con il bonus 18?
Cosa si può acquistare E poi ancora corsi di musica, corsi di teatro, corsi di lingua straniera, prodotti dell'editoria audiovisiva e abbonamenti a quotidiani anche in formato digitale.
Why is Amazon giving out $500 million as a thank you bonus?
- (CNN Business) Amazon is giving out more than $500 million as a "Thank You bonus" to front-line workers who were with the company throughout the month of June, a move that comes after the e-commerce giant eliminated a $2 hourly wage bump and double overtime pay for frontline workers at the end of May.
How much is the Amazon bonus for part time employees?
- Full-time Amazon employees will receive a $500 bonus, while part-time workers will get a $250 bonus. It comes as Amazon in June ended pay raises and double overtime pay for front-line workers.
What does Amazon's June bonus mean to you?
- “I have never been more proud of our teams.” The bonus applies to full- and part-time workers who were with Amazon throughout the month of June, as well as teams in the U.S. and Canada.
Will Amazon's $500 coronavirus relief bonus be enough?
- Amazon announced this week that it would be sending every full-time worker a one-time bonus of $500 and every part-time worker $250 as part of their coronavirus relief efforts. But that bonus won’t be enough for workers like Sherif to make ends meet, Amazon employees told Digital Trends.