Come si diventa partner di Groupon?

Come si diventa partner di Groupon?
Vuoi diventare partner di Groupon? E' semplice! Basta collegarti al sito e cliccare sulla voce “Pubblica offerta”, ti ritroverai nella pagina Groupon Merchant. Da qui clicca su “Diventa partner” e compila il modulo per la registrazione.
Quanto dura un coupon di Groupon?
5.9 Avete 30 giorni di tempo dal momento della ricezione del rimborso per rifiutarlo. Se non rifiutate il rimborso durante questi 30 giorni, il rimborso sarà la piena e definitiva liquidazione di qualsiasi pretesa che potreste avanzare nei confronti di Groupon connessa a, derivante da o collegata a tale Coupon.
How do I resolve a Groupon customer service issue?
- Your best option for resolving your Groupon customer service issue is by going to their help desk. Tap or click the link above and we can advise you on how to best get there. Telling us your specific issue on that page will also help us get you to the right Groupon help page even faster.
Does Groupon offer live chat-based help?
- Groupon customers like to use live chat-based help as an alternative to calling because the wait time is usually short and they may not be able to talk on the phone. Also, we partner with a US-based firm with experts on staff that you can chat with to troubleshoot your issue for a small fee.
How does gethuman work with Groupon customer support?
- GetHuman does not work directly with Groupon's customer support operations. GetHuman works with customers everywhere to compile the best tips and tools for reaching call centers faster and solving common customer problems effectively. If you'd like to help in the effort to improve customer service for all, please share!