Quanti anni dovrebbe avere Marilyn Monroe?

Quanti anni dovrebbe avere Marilyn Monroe?
Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Baker) è un'attrice statunitense, produttrice esecutiva, è nata il 1 giugno 1926 a Los Angeles, California (USA) e muore il 5 agosto 1962 all'età di 36 anni a Los Angeles, California (USA).
Per cosa è famosa Marilyn Monroe?
La definitiva consacrazione internazionale avvenne poi con le pellicole Come sposare un milionario, Quando la moglie è in vacanza, Fermata d'autobus e A qualcuno piace caldo, per la quale vinse un Golden Globe per la migliore attrice in un film commedia o musicale nel 1959.
Who was Marilyn Monroe and how did she die?
- Actress Marilyn Monroe overcame a difficult childhood to become one of the world's biggest and most enduring sex symbols. She died of a drug overdose in 1962 at the age of 36. Who Was Marilyn Monroe? Actress Marilyn Monroe overcame a difficult childhood to become one of the world's biggest and most enduring sex symbols.
What was Marilyn Monroe's childhood like?
- Born Norma Jeane Mortenson on J, in Los Angeles, California, Marilyn Monroe’s bubbly exterior guarded a deep interior fragility and a lifelong struggle with substance abuse. This, in turn, resulted from a rough childhood the star largely spent in foster homes.
How old was Marilyn Monroe when she married Bill Dougherty?
- On J, 16-year-old Monroe wed Dougherty, a 20-year-old merchant marine. Dougherty lived next door to a friend of Monroe's mother; he suggested he could marry Monroe so she wouldn't be sent to an orphanage or another foster home.
How did they come up with the name Marilyn Monroe?
- Three names were drawn up as possible stage names. The first was Norma Jeane Monroe, although that sounded awkward; the second was Jean Monroe, and the third was Marilyn Monroe, the latter first name being chosen by Lyon who thought Norma Jeane resembled famed stage actress Marilyn Miller.