Come vedere partita su RaiPlay?

Come vedere partita su RaiPlay?
Come vedere Rai Play Per vedere RaiPlay basta accedere sia dal proprio computer accedendo al sito, sia scaricando l'app su smartphone, tablet (sia da AppStore che da PlayStore di Google) e, per i possessori di smart Tv, direttamente dal proprio televisore.
What content can I watch through Rai?
- From catching up on the news, to watching Italian football matches, to watching foreign TV shows and movies which have been dubbed into Italian, there’s a big range of content which is available through Rai. If you’re within Italy, it’s easy to tune a TV into Rai or to watch the Rai content online.
What is Rai Internazionale?
- RAI Internazionale is the international feed of RAI Italia - a subsidiary of Italy's public broadcaster RAI. It is available in North America, South America and Asia targeting Italian expat communities.
Where can I watch Rai Italia in the USA?
- It is available in North America, South America and Asia targeting Italian expat communities. RAI Italia features coverage of Serie A and live matches of the Azurri - Italy's National Soccer team. RAI Internazionale is available in the USA on the following tv providers: RAI International on Dish Network on channel 728/600.
What is Rai News 24?
- Live stream Rai News 24: Rai News 24 is an Italian (State owned) 24-hour all-news television channel. It was founded in 1999. It offers mainly International News, economical News and Business news.