Come si cura il liposarcoma?

Come si cura il liposarcoma?
Come per altri sarcomi, il liposarcoma è una malattia trattata prevalentemente tramite chirurgia, grazie alla quale si cerca di rimuovere il tumore interamente, prevenendo così le recidive. L'uso della chemioterapia e della radioterapia viene valutata caso per caso.
What is the survival rate of liposarcoma?
- The prognosis of liposarcomas vary with the type in the location of the tumors. Round-cell and poorly differentiated cell types have a poor prognosis with a survival rate of about 50% over five years. It is not possible to prevent a liposarcoma. At best, you can lower your risk of developing a liposarcoma by avoiding risk factors.
How rare is liposarcoma?
- Although liposarcomas may develop almost anywhere in the body, most develop in the abdomen and limbs. Liposarcomas are rare. They represent less than 1% of all newly diagnosed cancers.
Can ultrasound differentiate between lipoma and liposarcoma?
- In conclusion, MRI is useful, but imperfect, in distinguishing lipomas, lipoma variants, and well-differentiated liposarcomas. An MRI examination showing a discrete, homogeneous, fatty mass can be considered diagnostic of a simple lipoma.
Is liposarcoma curable?
- Utilizing an appropriate multi-faceted approach to the treatment of liposarcoma, most patients with localized tumors are curable. At Specialty Orthopedic Surgery, we have two physicians that specialize in the treatment of both bone and soft tissue sarcomas.