Dove acquistare carta MIC?

Dove acquistare carta MIC?

Dove acquistare carta MIC?

La Mic Card si può comprare in tutti i Musei Civici, nei Tourist Infopoint di Termini, Minghetti, Fori Imperiali, Castel Sant'Angelo, Ciampino, Fiumicino, online sui sito (da ritirare e attivare in un Museo o un Tourist Infopoint).

Chi può fare la Mic card?

La MIC è disponibile per tutti i residenti, sia italiani che stranieri, i domiciliati temporanei e gli studenti delle università pubbliche e private della Capitale.

What is the mic card in Rome?

  • The MIC is the card that, at a cost of 5 euros, offers 12 months unlimited access to the Municipality Museums and the historical, artistic and archaeological sites of the Superintendence, addressed to the metropolitan city residents, temporary residents in Rome* and students of public and private universities in the metropolitan area.

How long is my mic card valid for?

  • MIC Cards are renewable only if expired and can only be renewed within 1 year from the expiry date. The renewal is valid for 12 months from the date on which it is made. Bookshops¹ and cafés of the Museums in the Municipality - 10% discount for MIC card holders

Where can I renew my mic card?

  • It is possible to renew the MIC Card at the Municipal Museums and Tourist Infopoints. MIC Cards are renewable only if expired and can only be renewed within 1 year from the expiry date.

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