Cosa si studia a Trieste?

Cosa si studia a Trieste?

Cosa si studia a Trieste?

l'indirizzo Turismo (linguistico-turistico); l'indirizzo Amministrazione, finanza e marketing (giuridico-economico); l'indirizzo Sistemi informativi aziendali (programmatori); l'indirizzo Relazioni internazionali per il marketing (linguistico-aziendale);

Quanto costa studiare a Trieste?

Calcolo del contributo onnicomprensivo annuo:
Residenti in ITALIAContributo onnicomprensivo in euro
ISEE Da 0,00 a 25.000,00200,00
ISEE da 25.000,01 a 30.000,00409,20 + 0,0341 x (ISEE per l'Università - 25.000,00)
ISEE da 30.000,01 a 70.000,00579,70 + 0,0561 x (ISEE per l'Università - 30.000,00)
ISEE Oltre 70.000,002.823,70

What is the abbreviation for University of Trieste?

  • University of Trieste. The University of Trieste ( Italian: Università degli Studi di Trieste, or UniTS) is a public research university in Trieste in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region in northeast Italy. The university consists of 10 departments, boasts a wide and almost complete range of university courses and has about 15,000 students...

Why choose utrasci University of Trieste?

  • University of Trieste is one of the top Public universities in Trieste, Italy. It is ranked #701-750 in QS Global World Rankings 2021. This free guide compares the top 10 student cities: Scholarships, visa, average tuition fee and much more!

Where is the Faculty of Medicine in Trieste located?

  • *Restitution to the Slovenian community of Trieste in 2020. The Faculty of Medicine and Surgery is located in several university compounds, particularly in structures annexed to the three town hospitals: Cattinara, Trieste General Hospital ( Ospedale Maggiore ), and Burlo Garofolo.

What is Orto Botanico dell'Università di Trieste?

  • Orto Botanico dell'Università di Trieste (4.2 hectares) is maintained by University of Trieste. Founded in 1963, the Botanical Garden of the University of Trieste has an extension of about 2 square kilo meters plus two more woods on Mount Valerio.

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