Come si fa a cancellare un retweet?

Come si fa a cancellare un retweet?
Eliminare manualmente i tweet Clicca sulla tua immagine di profilo in alto a destra, quindi visualizza il tuo profilo personale; cerca, in questa pagina, il messaggio che vuoi cancellare. Clicca sopra al messaggio che ti interessa eliminare e potrai notare che il sito ti riporta al tweet originale.
What is Twitter retweet and how does it work?
- Twitter's Retweet feature helps you and others quickly share that Tweet with all of your followers. You can Retweet your own Tweets or Tweets from someone else. Sometimes people type "RT" at the beginning of a Tweet to indicate that they are re-posting someone else's content.
What does the retweet icon look like?
- Retweets look like normal Tweets with the author's name and username next to it, but are distinguished by the Retweet icon and the name of the person who Retweeted the Tweet.
How do I use the retweet or quote tweet prompt?
- Retweet or Quote Tweet prompts are available to everyone using Twitter. From the pop-up, tap Retweet. The Tweet will then be shared with all of your followers as a Retweet. From the pop-up, tap Retweet. The Tweet will then be shared with all of your followers as a Retweet. A pop-up will show you the Tweet you're about to Retweet.
How do I recognize a retweet from someone I'm not following?
- Recognize a retweet from somebody you're not following. Occasionally, somebody you don't follow will tweet something, which will then be retweeted by somebody you do follow. You can recognize those by the gray " [Twitter user] retweeted" just above the tweet, along with a green retweet icon.