Quante vele ci sono a Napoli?

Quante vele ci sono a Napoli?
Le sette Vele furono progettate dall'architetto palermitano Franz Di Salvo prendendo a modello l'edilizia popolare brutalista di grandi architetti come il francese Le Corbusier e il giapponese Kenzo Tange.
Perché hanno abbattuto le vele a Scampia?
Tra il 19 sono state abbattute tre delle sette strutture iniziali, lasciando in piedi le restanti quattro. La decisione di agire su una situazione di forte degrado fu presa sul finire degli anni ottanta, sostenuta e ventilata dalla popolazione che denunciava le gravi condizioni delle Vele.
What is Le Vele in Naples famous for?
- Le Vele, or ‘sails’ is a sprawling housing estate on the outskirts of Naples. Photograph: Roberto Salomone. Famous as the setting for the hit film and TV series Gomorrah, the towers of Le Vele became synonymous with poverty and organised crime – until residents took charge.
Do you know of the Vele di Scampia in Naples?
- Many people outside Naples who have heard of the Vele di Scampia may have done so because they feature in a book I wrote, and a film and a TV series made around it: Gomorrah, about the Camorra mafia clans in Naples which took root in Le Vele, among other places, and effectively took over the estate complex.
What is the Vela Verde in Naples?
- It doesn’t work, trying to keep that distance just because 16 years have passed since the bloody mafia feuds across Scampia – part of the war between Camorra clans that made Naples a war zone at the heart of Europe. Now, the felling of the next block, the Vela Verde or Green Sail, begins.
What is it like to live in Le Vele?
- The residents’ relationship to the Camorra organised crime groups who dominated Le Vele is complicated. Benfenati says most of his peers died in the clan wars. But with unemployment rates in Scampia lingering at 70%, there are often few ways to make a living other than working in the black market economy.