Che cosa caratterizza l'esterno di Villa Almerico Capra?
Che cosa caratterizza l'esterno di Villa Almerico Capra?
Ognuna delle quattro facciate era dotata di un avancorpo con una loggia che si poteva raggiungere salendo una gradinata; ciascuno dei quattro ingressi principali conduceva, attraverso un breve vestibolo o corridoio, alla sala centrale sormontata da una cupola. ... Ogni loggia era fiancheggiata da una singola finestra.
What is the Villa Almerico-Capra known for?
- Designed by Andrea Palladio, the Villa Almerico-Capra, commonly known as La Rotonda, would become one of the most recognizable buildings of the Renaissance. It is a building that consciously recalls ancient Roman classical models but its innovative design had a lasting impact for future generations of architects in Italy and abroad.
Where does Paolo Almerico live now?
- Monsignor Paolo Almerico entrusts Palladio with building his new suburban villa in the outskirts of Vicenza. The start of the villa’s construction works, called ‘la Rotonda’ like the monument by which it’s inspired, the Pantheon in Rome. Almerico permanently resides in the villa, but its construction has not yet been completed.
Who built the Villa Americo in Italy?
- One of the best-known and often copied villas of the Renaissance, the Villa Americo (1566–69), originally built for Monsignor Paolo Americo and completed by Vincenzo Scamozzi, still overlooks the vineyards and farmlands outside Vicenza.
What happened to Almerico's Villa after Palladio died?
- Almerico permanently resides in the villa, but its construction has not yet been completed. Upon Palladio’s death, construction works are continued by Vincenzo Scamozzi, an architect from Vicenza. Paolo Almerico dies. The villa is inherited by his natural son, Virginio.