Come si cura il glioma?

Come si cura il glioma?

Come si cura il glioma?

Il trattamento dei gliomi si basa su tre terapie cardine: la rimozione chirurgica....Trattamento chirurgico

  1. la rimozione (o riduzione) della massa tumorale;
  2. il controllo di eventuali sintomi neurologici;
  3. la diagnosi istologica e molecolare.

What are gliomas of the brain?

  • Gliomas are the most common type of primary brain tumor. They can occur at any age and in any part of the brain or spinal cord where glial cells (the support cells of the nervous system) are located. There are 3 major types of gliomas: astrocytomas, ependymomas and oligodendrogliomas.

What is gliomatosis cerebri?

  • Gliomatosis Cerebri: This is an uncommon brain tumor that features widespread glial tumor cells in the brain. This tumor is different from other gliomas because it is scattered and widespread, typically involving two or more lobes of the brain.

What are the treatment options for malignant gliomas?

  • For malignant gliomas, the treatment options are considered based on the location of the tumor, type of glioma and grade of malignancy. Generally, Glioma tumor treatment options include radiation therapy, surgery, targeted therapy, chemotherapy and experimental clinical trials.

What causes gliomas to grow?

  • The cause of a glioma is unknown. Although the initial cause is thought to be related to mutations in the DNA of the tumor cells, there are currently no clear-cut environmental or behavioral risk factors (such as air pollution or smoking) that are known to cause gliomas.

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