Come si chiama Aeroporto Alghero?

Come si chiama Aeroporto Alghero?
L'Aeroporto di Alghero Fertilia si trova a 10 km dal centro della città di Alghero e a 33 km dalla città di Sassari, quest'ultima capoluogo di Provincia.
Dove si trova l'Aeroporto di Alghero?
Europa Aeroporto di Alghero/Continente
Come raggiungere il centro di Alghero dall'aeroporto?
Per raggiungere il centro di Alghero dall'aeroporto con i mezzi pubblici l'unica possibilità sono gli autobus urbani della compagnia ARST (Azienda Regionale Sardegna Trasporti). La linea 9373 “AL. FA” collega l'aeroporto di Alghero al centro città in 20-30 minuti, effettuando numerose fermate intermedie.
Where is flyalghero airport?
- Alghero Airport is one of the most important international airports serving the Alghero region of Italy today. It is located about 8 kilometers on the north western side of the Alghero city.
Where is Sardinia airport Alghero?
- This is basically on the northern Sardinia region of the Italian speaking nation. Many locals and internationals as well love to refer to this airport as the Alghero-Fertilia or rather Fertilia. It was given that name in relation to the name of the village in which it was originally situated and that is the Fertilia village.
Why is Sardinia's Alghero-Fertilia airport called Fertilia?
- Many locals and internationals as well love to refer to this airport as the Alghero-Fertilia or rather Fertilia. It was given that name in relation to the name of the village in which it was originally situated and that is the Fertilia village. This is one of the most important airports among the three airports that serve the Sardinia region.