Come riconoscere un inizio di diabete?

Come riconoscere un inizio di diabete?
In entrambi i casi i campanelli di allarme sono:
- sete intensa (polidipsia) e frequente bisogno di urinare (poliuria)
- stanchezza (astenia)
- perdita di peso rapida e improvvisa, nonostante la fame aumentata.
- perdita di zuccheri nelle urine (glicosuria)
- pelle secca.
- improvviso offuscamento della vista.
What is the permanent cure for diabetes?
- Aloe Vera For Diabetes. ...
- Basil (Tulsi) Leaves. ...
- Neem leave. ...
- Flaxseed. ...
- Fenugreek. ...
- Cinnamon (Dalchini) Cinnamon regulates diabetes and lessens blood sugar levels in the body by stimulating the action of the insulin.
- Curry leaves. ...
- Mango leaves. ...
- Guava. ...
Which is better for diabetes?
- Eating enough fiber plays an important role in managing diabetes. A diet high in soluble fiber can slow the absorption of sugar and control its levels in the blood. Many fruits are high in fiber, especially those with the skin or pulp included.
What is the best app for diabetes?
- Glucose Buddy is a must-have app for tracking blood glucose levels, insulin, medications, A1c results, and carb intake.
What is the best medicine for diabetes control?
- The most established medications for treating type 2 diabetes are: Metformin: This drug reduces the amount of glucose produced by the body, and has been used for a long time. It's the best studied diabetes medication, as well as one of the best tolerated. Sulfonylureas: These drugs help the body to produce more insulin.