Come si arriva alle isole Fiji?

Come si arriva alle isole Fiji?
Per raggiungere le Isole Fiji dall'Italia dovete mettere in conto dalle 30 alle 35 di ore di volo, compreso almeno uno scalo negli Stati Uniti, in Australia, in Corea del Sud o ad Hong Kong. Il principale aeroporto internazionale è quello di Nadi, sulla costa occidentale di Viti Levu, l'isola maggiore dell'arcipelago.
Quanto costa una vacanza alle isole Fiji?
1.500€ circa per il volo. 1.500€ sommari per 10 giorni di pernottamento in hotel di media categoria tra Viti Levu e le isole minori, per una camera doppia. 50€ al giorno, a persona, per i pasti. 200€ circa per gli spostamenti tra le isole.
Dove si trovano le Isole Fiji?
Oceania Le Figi (in figiano Viti ; in hindi figiano फ़िजी; in inglese Fiji), ufficialmente Repubblica di Figi (in inglese Republic of Fiji) sono uno Stato insulare dell'Oceania che sorge sull'arcipelago omonimo, composto di 322 isole, di cui 106 abitate permanentemente, e 522 isolotti.
How do you travel between the Fiji Islands?
- The fastest way to travel between the islands is to catch a plane. Domestic Fiji flights are available from the national carrier, Air Fiji, which has about 65 departures every day to 15 islands, and Sun Air. Most domestic Fiji flights depart from Suva. Ferries and other boats also offer many services between the islands.
Is it cheaper to fly to Fiji in the afternoon?
- Fiji flights can be made cheaper if you choose a flight in the afternoon. Booking a flight in the evening will likely mean higher prices. The weather is good on Fiji throughout the year, even in the wet season. Peak season is determined more by the departing country.
What makes Fiji a Paradise Island?
- The blue lagoons and mountain backdrop make the Fiji islands synonymous with Paradise. Travelers booking flights to Fiji encounter miles of white-sand beaches bordered by coconut palm trees, blue lagoons as far as the eye can see, and colorful reefs that feed any scuba-divers soul.
Can I travel to Fiji with work permit?
- Fiji has restricted the entry of all travelers who are not nationals of Fiji. With the exception of, in some cases, foreign nationals with work and residence permits. Entry is not currently permitted for tourism or temporary visits. Prior to traveling, all Permit Holders must request Fijian Immigration Department for authority to travel.