Come morì Primo Carnera?

Come morì Primo Carnera?
29 giugno 1967 Primo Carnera/Data di morte
Che malattia aveva Primo Carnera?
La malattia e la morte Carnera si ammalò di cirrosi epatica e quando comprese che gli restava poco da vivere fece ritorno in Italia. Nel maggio 1967 tornò a Sequals, a godersi i suoi affetti. Il "Gigante buono" morì nel 34º anniversario dalla conquista del titolo mondiale dei pesi massimi, il 29 giugno 1967.
Who is Primo Carnera?
- Soresi brought him back to the U.S. organizing matches valid for the world title. On 10 February 1933, Primo Carnera met a turning point in his life, an experience that deeply cut into his heart and showed the world the greatness of the soul of this man so big and powerful in body.
How tall is Carnera?
- The uncles introduced him to the world of boxing, organizing a match with a beginner, but Carnera was not yet ready for the big step. His physique, meanwhile, was still growing: 205 cm tall, 125 kg of weight; he was nicknamed "violin's feet" because he needed size-52 shoes.
When did Carnera make his professional boxing debut?
- Léon Seedel showed his boxer to organizer Jeff Dickson, and Carnera made his professional debut in Paris on Septem, winning by knockout in the second round against Leon Sebilo. He won all six following matches, among them the much-discussed one with Epifanio Islas, in Milan.
How many matches were fixed by Carnera's manager?
- Actually his manager, whenever he could, made sure that his boxer could win. Still today it is not known how many matches were fixed. Carnera was not, however, aware, and there were many matches won regularly. Although somewhat lacking in technique, Carnera had in fact an exceptional fist.