Quanti mariti ha avuto Marilyn Monroe?
- Quanti mariti ha avuto Marilyn Monroe?
- In che anno Marilyn Monroe ha avuto una relazione con una donna?
- Come muore Marilyn?
- Come come è morta Marilyn Monroe?
- What was Marilyn Monroe's maiden name before marriage?
- What was the cause of death for Marilyn Monroe?
- What was Marilyn Monroe's Private Life Like?
- What did Marilyn Monroe do during WW2?

Quanti mariti ha avuto Marilyn Monroe?
L'attrice statunitense Marilyn Monroe, (Los Angeles, 1º giugno 1926 – Los Angeles, 5 agosto 1962) si sposò tre volte ed ebbe diverse relazioni con personaggi illustri del suo tempo.
In che anno Marilyn Monroe ha avuto una relazione con una donna?
La Florida attende Irma. Marilyn Monroe aveva una segreta relazione lesbo con la sua tirannica insegnante di recitazione Natasha Lytess. Secondo nuovi documenti, le due avrebbero vissuto come “marito e moglie” per due dei sette anni in cui lavorarono insieme, dal 19.
Come muore Marilyn?
4 agosto 1962 Marilyn Monroe/Data di morte
Come come è morta Marilyn Monroe?
4 agosto 1962 Marilyn Monroe/Data di morte
What was Marilyn Monroe's maiden name before marriage?
- Back then she was known as Norma Jean Dougherty and was a redhead. Though she was born with the last name Baker, Monroe adopted the last name Dougherty from her first husband James, who she wed in 1942 at age 16 and divorced four years later.
What was the cause of death for Marilyn Monroe?
- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Marilyn Monroe died of a barbiturate overdose late in the evening of Saturday, Aug, at her 12305 Fifth Helena Drive home in Los Angeles, California. Her body was discovered before dawn on Sunday, August 5.
What was Marilyn Monroe's Private Life Like?
- At 16, Monroe got married to Jimmy Dougherty as a way out of the foster homes then began her career first from modelling. Her private life was troubled with addictions, some depression and anxiety and she died in 1962 sadly of barbiturate overdose.
What did Marilyn Monroe do during WW2?
- Monroe was raised in and out of foster homes, where she suffered violence and sexual abuse. To escape, she got married at 16 to a man named Jimmy Dougherty. While he served as a merchant marine in the South Pacific during World War II, Monroe did her part for the war effort by working at a munitions factory in Van Nuys.