Come funzionano i finanziamenti Volkswagen?
Come funzionano i finanziamenti Volkswagen?
Il finanziamento Progetto Valore Volkswagen è articolato su un anticipo - che il cliente può scegliere in una forbice che va dall' 1% fino al 35% - su 35 rate mensili e sul Valore Futuro Garantito (VFG), che fissa il valore minimo dell'auto dopo tre anni, a patto che venga rispettata la percorrenza chilometrica ...
What is Volkswagen Bank GmbH?
- Volkswagen Bank GmbH, which was founded in 1949, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Volkswagen AG. The products and services of Volkswagen Bank GmbH range from the financing of new and used vehicles of all the Group's brands, over direct banking, to dealer financing. Volkswagen Bank has long been Europe's leading automobile bank.
How big is Volkswagen Bank Direct?
- As measured by its volume of deposits totaling just under EUR 34 billion at the end of 2017, Volkswagen Bank direct, a business division of Volkswagen Bank, is one of the largest direct banks in Germany.
What is the starter bonus of the Volkswagen Bank?
- All in all considered a lucrative offer from the Volkswagen Bank, now the new customer brings a starter bonus of 50 euros on the current account, if it is used as a salary account and made regular sales.
How can I get help with Volkswagen credit?
- Please contact Volkswagen Credit to discuss how we may be able to assist you. Log in to My Account to send us a secure message or call + 1 800 . At Volkswagen Credit, we want our customers to be confident automotive consumers. We give you the tools, information, and resources you need for a clear and easy financing experience.