Quante stelle Michelin ha Mauro Colagreco?

Quante stelle Michelin ha Mauro Colagreco?

Quante stelle Michelin ha Mauro Colagreco?

Nel gennaio 2019, l'apoteosi: 3 stelle Michelin, le prime della storia per un cuoco argentino. E nel giugno sucessivo, l'incoronazione che mancava: il primo posto nella World's 50 Best.

Quanto costa mangiare da Colagreco?

Per assaporare le creazioni di Mauro Colagreco si spende in media tra gli euro, vini esclusi.

What is Mauro Colagreco famous for?

  • Mauro Colagreco (born 5 October 1976 in La Plata, Argentina) is an Italian Argentine chef at the three-Michelin stars restaurant Mirazur in Menton, France. As a newly qualified chef, Colagreco headed to France and worked with Bernard Loiseau until his death in 2003.

Was Mauro Colagreco the first non-French chef ever to win the Gault guide?

  • That same year, Mauro Colagreco was also awarded ‘Chef of the Year’ by the prestigious Gault & Millau restaurant guide – the first non-French chef ever to have received the title.

Who is Mirazur al-Colagreco?

  • In the same year, Colagreco was also awarded “Chef of the Year” by the prestigious Gault & Millau restaurant guide - the first non-French chef ever to receive this title. His third Michelin star was awarded in January 2019. June 2019, Mirazur is elected the best restaurant in the world by the World's 50 Best Restaurants.

What is Colagreco's cooking style?

  • Colagreco has imposed a style of his own in the interpretation of ingredients and the contrast of flavours. This style is not rooted in his Italian-Argentine cultural heritage and does not refer to the experienced chefs with whom he worked in France. MIRAZUR: The first restaurant of Mauro Colagreco in Menton, France.

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