Cosa rappresentano i nuraghi?

Cosa rappresentano i nuraghi?
Il nuraghe è una casa-fortezza preistorica (dal 2° millennio a.C. fino all'invasione romana) caratteristica della Sardegna, dove ne esistono oltre 6 mila. ... Per lo più il nuraghe veniva eretto su alture, vicino ai villaggi, e aveva funzione militare e difensiva (non di tomba come si credeva un tempo).
What is the meaning of nuraghi?
- The name "nuraghe" (plural: nuraghi) derives from the word "nur" meaning "hollow heap." The earliest form of nuraghi were corridor nuraghi, and from the outside resembled a pile of rock, but the insides had been removed to make a habitation area.
What is Sardinia's Nuragic civilization?
- The ‘nuraghi’ represent Sardinia’s greatest – and most mysterious - archeological treasure: 8,000 ancient megalithic buildings found nowhere else in the world. The Nuragic civilization began in the Bronze Age (1800 BC), as the evolution of pre-existing cultures present on the island of Sardinia since Neolithic times.
What is the Nuragic civilization?
- Today it has come to be the symbol of Sardinia and its distinctive culture known as the Nuragic civilization. More than 7,000 nuraghes have been found, though archeologists believe that originally there were more than 10,000.
Who is Suguru niragi?
- " Suguru Niragi is a character first appears in the Beach arc. A slightly psychotic and malicious man who carries a sniper rifle in the Borderland . Niragi was a victim of school bullying.