Dove si comprano i biglietti della metro a Roma?

Dove si comprano i biglietti della metro a Roma?

Dove si comprano i biglietti della metro a Roma?

I biglietti della metro di Roma si possono acquistare sia nelle stazioni della metro con macchiette automatiche (che prendono sia contanti che carte) o nelle biglietterie fisiche, che nelle edicole, nei chioschi e nei tabaccai. Si possono acquistare anche tramite SMS.

What is the name of the Metro in Rome?

  • Rome Metro. The Rome Metro is a rapid transit system in the capital of Italy, Rome. Inaugrated in February 1955 makes it the oldest metro system in Italy. System consists of three lines and 73 stations. Single journey ticket which is valid for 100 minutes costs 1,50€.

How does the Rome Metro underground work?

  • The Rome Metro Underground train system has three lines named A, B and C. Lines A and B intersect at Rome Termini Station, which is the main public transport hub, while Line C is a new line which connects some of the Roman suburbs and is of little use to tourists: it runs between Monte Comparti to Parco di Centocelle.

How long does the Rome Metro take to run?

  • Rome metro (subway), simply called Metropolitana by Italians. The metro runs approximately every 7-10 minutes, from 5:30am until 11.30pm every day (until 0:30am on Saturdays). Ordinary tickets can be bought throughout the metro stations from vending machines or booths.

Where can I buy metro tickets in Rome?

  • So if you know you want to have, say, 4 tickets for your stay in Rome, you can just get them all at the same time. You can easily buy metro/bus tickets from tabacchi (tobacco shops), or at the green newsstand kiosks you see around Rome. You may also purchase metro tickets inside any Rome metro station.

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