Dove viene prodotta la Tesla?

Dove viene prodotta la Tesla?
Lo stabilimento Tesla di Fremont, in California, è una delle fabbriche di automobili più avanzate al mondo, con un'estensione di mezzo milione di metri quadrati dedicati alla produzione e uno spazio per gli uffici di quasi 150 ettari.
Che cos'è il progetto Tesla?
La missione di Tesla consiste nell'accelerare la transizione verso un consumo di energia sostenibile attraverso veicoli elettrici e soluzioni energetiche sempre più accessibili.
What does Tesla do for the energy industry?
- Through its subsidiary Tesla Energy, the company develops and is a major installer of solar photovoltaic energy generation systems in the United States. Tesla Energy is also one of the largest global suppliers of battery energy storage systems, with 3 gigawatt-hours (GWh) installed in 2020.
What is TESLA's technology strategy for transportation?
- Tesla's technology strategy focuses on pure-electric propulsion technology, and transferring other approaches from the technology industry to transportation, such as online software updates.
What is the market share of Tesla in the US?
- Tesla is ranked as the world's best-selling plug-in and battery electric passenger car manufacturer, with a market share of 16% of the plug-in segment (which includes hybrids) and 23% of the battery electric (purely electric) segment 2020 sales.
What countries have Tesla showrooms and service centers?
- Showrooms and service centers operate in Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai. Tesla opened its first Japanese showroom in Tokyo, Japan, in October 2010. In South Korea, it opened two showrooms in March 2017 and a service center in late 2017. In August, 2017, Taiwan opened its first service center and showroom.