Quando aprono iscrizioni Sapienza?

Quando aprono iscrizioni Sapienza?
I bandi relativi alle prove di accesso saranno emanati entro il mese di luglio. Hai già scelto il tuo corso? Hai bisogno di aiuto? La XXV edizione di Porte aperte alla Sapienza si svolgerà nei giorni 12-13-14 luglio 2021.
Where is the Sapienza University of Rome located?
- The Sapienza University of Rome ( Italian: Sapienza – Università di Roma ), also called simply Sapienza or the University of Rome, is a collegiate research university that is located in Rome, Italy. Formally known as Università degli Studi di Roma " La Sapienza ", it is one of the largest European universities...
Who are the alumni of the University of Sapienza?
- Sapienza educated numerous notable alumni, including many Nobel laureates, Presidents of the European Parliament and European Commissioners, heads of several nations, notable religious figures, scientists and astronauts. In September 2018, it was included in the top 100 of the QS World University Rankings Graduate Employability Ranking.
How much does it cost to apply to Sapienza?
- IMPORTANT: Sapienza does not require any fee for the application on our platform or for applying to scholarships. Only once you are pre-selected, you will be asked to pay mandatory administrative fees, as explained in your on your pre-acceptance letter. The 2021-22 catalogue of currently active degree programmes is now online.
Why did the Pope cancel his visit to La Sapienza University?
- On 15 January 2008 the Vatican cancelled a planned visit to La Sapienza University by Pope Benedict XVI who was to speak at the university ceremony launching the 2008 academic year due to protests by some students and professors. The title of the speech would have been 'The Truth Makes Us Good and Goodness is Truth'.