Chi produce la Infiniti auto?

Chi produce la Infiniti auto?

Chi produce la Infiniti auto?

Nissan Nato nel 1989, il marchio di lusso della Nissan debuttò nel Nord America, per poi espandersi fino a diventare globale: in pratica, è la risposta al marchio Lexus presentato dalla Toyota e alla mossa della Honda con la Acura.

Quanto costa infiniti Q30?

A seconda della motorizzazione e dei vari modelli esistenti i prezzi vanno dai 24.990 € ai 44.060 del sopra citato modello Sport 2.1 versione diesel da 125 kW.

Quanto costa l'auto Infiniti?

Listino Infiniti Q50
ModelloPrezzo (euro)Dimensioni (cm)
Q50 Hybrid 365cv56.950480-182-143
Q50 3.0t V6 405cv59.150480-182-143

What company produces Infiniti automobiles?

  • Nissan Motor Company . The Nissan Motor Company began manufacturing Infiniti luxury cars in late 1989 for the 1990 model year. The Infiniti's direct competitors are the Honda Acura and the Toyota Lexus. It is offered as a coupe, sedan or sport utility vehicle. It wasn't until mid-2008 that Infiniti expanded to Europe with the hope of gaining a foothold in the luxury car market there.

Who owns Infiniti automobiles?

  • Infiniti is a luxury cars brand owned by a Japanese company Nissan Motor. Infiniti cars are officially for sale in the USA, Canada, Mexico, the Middle East, South Korea and Taiwan, and since 2007 in Russia and Ukraine.

Who are manufacturers Infiniti autos?

  • Infiniti (インフィニティ, Infiniti, IPA: [iɰ̃ɸiniti]) is the luxury vehicle division of Japanese automaker Nissan. Infiniti officially started selling vehicles on Novem, in North America.

Does Nissan own Infiniti?

  • One of the questions people ask us a lot is “Does Nissan own Infiniti?” The answer is yes. Infiniti is the luxury vehicle division of Nissan.

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