Che canale è Radio Rai 1?

Che canale è Radio Rai 1?
Il canale è diretto da Andrea Vianello. È la sesta in classifica tra le radio nazionali più seguite....
Rai Radio 1 | |
AM | 6 · 9 · 9 · 11 · 14 · 1575 kHz |
Italia | |
FM DVB-T DAB | 99% del territorio RAI Mux 1 (FTA) Canali 12B · 12D |
Come vedere Radio Rai?
Tramite RaiPlay Sound, puoi accedere agilmente alle dirette streaming dei 12 canali di Radio Rai (Rai Radio 1, Rai Radio 2, Rai Radio 3, Isoradio, Rai Radio1 Sport, Rai Radio 2 Indie, Rai Radio 3 Classica, Rai Gr Parlamento, Rai Radio Kids, Rai Radio Live, Rai Radio Techetè, Rai Radio Tutta Italiana) sia su browsing ( ...
How many titles are available on RAI TV?
- All of Rai’s productions, with over 2,200 titles organised by category, all available for viewing by broadcasters and content distributors from around the world.
What kind of content does Teche Rai offer?
- Films, dramas, TV series, cultural, entertainment, in-depth programs, for children, documentaries, sports, opera, theater, music and selections from Teche Rai but also original formats designed for a younger audience.
What does Rai do for cultural heritage?
- RAI 1, RAI 2, RAI 3, RAI ITALIA, RAI NEWS, RAI WORLD PREMIUM, RAI SCUOLA, RAI STORIA, RADIO 1, RADIO 2, RADIO 3. The Cultural Heritage division promotes and expands awareness of Italy’s artistic and cultural heritage at home and abroad in several ways, including through innovative projects with a high technological impact.
How much does it cost to use RaiPlay?
- RaiPlay registration - available on mobile and web apps - is free, secure and Rai will protect your data without giving it to anyone. If the rights to your content are available, you can also use it from abroad.