Quanto costa l'autostrada Bologna Firenze?

Quanto costa l'autostrada Bologna Firenze?

Quanto costa l'autostrada Bologna Firenze?

È vero tuttavia che dalla barriera si arriva gratis a Castegnato, alle porte della tangenziale bresciana. Il tratto della A1 completamente rivoluzionato dai cantieri degli ultimi anni, quello tra Bologna e Firenze oggi è molto più scorrevole: da Casalecchio a Firenze Nord, 97 km. in 50' scarsi a 8.10 euro.

Quanto costa autostrada Firenze?

Ecco quanto costano le tratte più gettonate. La domanda è di strettissima attualità: quanto costano le principali autostrade italiane?...IL COSTO DELLE AUTOSTRADE.
Tratta autostradaleAutostrade attraversateCosto
Firenze-RomaA118,40 euro
Milano-ViareggioA1, A15, A1225,60 euro

What is the distance between Bologna and Florence?

  • Distance between Bologna and Florence is 80 kilometers (50 miles).

How long is the train ride from Bologna to Firenze?

  • There are 59 trains from Bologna Centrale station to Firenze Santa Maria Novella station each day, and the trip takes only 35-40 minutes. There are also slower trains connecting the two cities, but they turn the journey into a 2-6 hour one.

How to get from Bologna to Florence by hike?

  • When you think of travelling from Bologna to Florence in Italy, you probably think of taking the train or going by car. Instead, consider hiking the historic Path of Gods Italy trail for an unforgettable journey. The journey takes an hour by car and it will take you 6 days to hike it but it’s SO worth it!

Where is Bologna located?

  • Bologna is located in Italy with (44.49) coordinates and Florence is located in Italy with (43.77) coordinates.

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