Quanto è grande Europa satellite di Giove?

Quanto è grande Europa satellite di Giove?
3.121,6 km Europa/Diametro
When was the Galileo mission to Europa launched?
- The Galileo mission, launched in 1989, provides the bulk of current data on Europa. No spacecraft has yet landed on Europa, although there have been several proposed exploration missions. The European Space Agency 's Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer (JUICE) is a mission to Ganymede that is due to launch in 2022...
How long does it take euroeuropa to orbit Jupiter?
- Europa orbits Jupiter in just over three and a half days, with an orbital radius of about 670,900 km. With an eccentricity of only 0.009, the orbit itself is nearly circular, and the orbital inclination relative to Jupiter's equatorial plane is small, at 0.470°.
When will NASA's planned Europa Clipper launch?
- NASA's planned Europa Clipper should be launched in 2024. Europa, along with Jupiter's three other large moons, Io, Ganymede, and Callisto, was discovered by Galileo Galilei on 8 January 1610, and possibly independently by Simon Marius.
How long does it take a Galileo satellite to orbit Earth?
- The complete Galileo constellation will comprise satellites spread evenly around three orbital planes at an altitude of 23222 km and inclined at an angle of 56 degrees to the equator. Each satellite will take about 14 hours to orbit the Earth.