Che cos'è lo scrigno di Davy Jones?
Che cos'è lo scrigno di Davy Jones?
Lo Scrigno di Davy Jones, facente parte della Terra dei Morti, è una dimensione dove vanno le anime di coloro che sono morti in mare. Anche se viene a volte usato come un termine per indicare il fondo dell'oceano, lo Scrigno di Davy Jones è un deserto arido.
Come si chiama il tipo di barca usato dai pirati?
I prahos o parahos sono imbarcazioni malesi e indonesiane usate dai pescatori, dai pirati e dai commercianti nel XIX secolo.
Quanti anni ha Barbossa?
Capitan Hector Barbossa (West Country, febbraio 1677 - Mar dei Caraibi, 1751) è uno dei personaggi principali della saga di Pirati dei Caraibi.
What really killed Davy Jones?
- The autopsy of former Monkees star Davy Jones is complete. Find out what really killed the 66-year-old singer, actor and horse enthusiast. Medical examiners in Martin County, Florida, confirmed what we all suspected: Davy Jones, former lead singer of The Monkees, passed away Wednesday from a heart attack.
What happened to Davy Jones of the Monkees?
- Medical examiners in Martin County, Florida, confirmed what we all suspected: Davy Jones, former lead singer of The Monkees, passed away Wednesday from a heart attack. Martin County medical examiner Roger E. Mittleman said that initial test results show that the 66-year-old died from “ventricular...
How old was David Jones when he started his career?
- The 19-year-old singer was signed to Colpix Records, a label owned by Columbia. His debut album David Jones, on the same label, followed soon after (CP493). From 19, Jones was a member of The Monkees, a pop-rock group formed expressly for a television show of the same name.
Was Davy Jones allowed to choose his own songs?
- Jones was not allowed to choose his songs or producer, resulting in several lacklustre and aimless records. His second solo album, Davy Jones (1971) was notable for the song " Rainy Jane ", which reached No. 52 in the Billboard charts. To promote the album, Jones performed " Girl " on an episode of The Brady Bunch entitled " Getting Davy Jones ".