Was Notting Hill based on a true story?

Was Notting Hill based on a true story?
"[Richard Curtis] wrote this other film and it was based on something that actually happened to a friend of his, who was a very kind of unfamous bloke living in Notting Hill, who happened to fall in love with an extremely, extremely world-famous person who I'm not allowed to mention, and she with him," he explained.
What is Notting Hill movie about?
A Notting Hill il timido William è proprietario di un negozietto di libri dove un giorno entra Anna, diva di Hollywood, e tra i due scatta il colpo di fulmine. Notting Hill/Sinossi del film
What does Notting Hill mean?
DEFINITIONS1. a district of North London where a lot of rich young people live and which is famous for its carnival.
Who is Anna Scott based on?
Anna Scott was not based on Julia Roberts Curtis and director Roger Michell has stated that Roberts was the one and only choice for playing the character Anna Scott. Many saw this as a hint that the character is based on Roberts. However, Curtis said that Anna Scott is a hybrid of Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn.
What is the famous line from Notting Hill?
William: I live in Notting Hill. You live in Beverly Hills. Everyone in the world knows who you are, my mother has trouble remembering my name. Anna Scott: I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.
What happens at end of Notting Hill?
At the end of Notting Hill (spoilers), book salesman William and Hollywood star Anna ended up together after that 'I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her' speech, got married, and were expecting a baby together while spending their afternoons in a communal London garden.
How long has Notting Hill Carnival been going?
1966 The Notting Hill Carnival was first held in 1966 as an offshoot of the Trinidad Carnival, celebrating Caribbean culture and traditions in London. When the Notting Hill Carnival first started in Notting Hill, around 500 people attended the Caribbean festival.
Is Notting Hill a rich area?
Notting Hill is among London's most expensive neighbourhoods in its most expensive borough, Kensington & Chelsea. Flats in the area start from around £500,000 while family homes run into millions.