Quanto costa il nuovo Qashqai Nissan?

Quanto costa il nuovo Qashqai Nissan?
33.800 euro Il prezzo di partenza della nuova Nissan Qashqai Tekna è di 33.800 euro per il motore da 140 CV, 2WD e cambio manuale, mentre per la variante da 158 CV e cambio Xtronic è di 37.390 euro per il 2WD e arriva ai 39.390 euro per il 4WD.
When did the Nissan Qashqai come out in New Zealand?
- The Qashqai was introduced to New Zealand in May 2009, initially sourced from Japan. Nissan New Zealand used the Qashqai name to distinguish the model from Dualis grey imports, which were shipped from Japan before the official release.
Is the Nissan Qashqai front-driven or rear-driven?
- The rest are front-driven. One final thing to note is that the Qashqai is made in Great Britain, at Nissan’s Sunderland plant, which has consistently been the biggest producer of cars on our shores.
Is the Nissan Qashqai the same as the Nissan Rogue?
- For the first generation, the Qashqai was sold under the name Nissan Dualis in Japan and Australia. Now in its second generation, which was released in 2014, the new model is only badged as Qashqai, except in the United States where it is rebadged as the "Nissan Rogue Sport".
Is the Nissan Qashqai Britain's best-selling car?
- A nomadic central Asian tribe known for its Persian rugs. And one of Britain’s best-selling cars. The Nissan Qashqai is a small SUV (well, crossover) that we can probably blame for all the small SUVs. When it launched to quizzical looks over a decade ago, no one could have predicted just how many rivals and imitators would follow it.