Where are Masses celebrated at the Vatican?

Where are Masses celebrated at the Vatican?
- Masses with the Pope at the Vatican can be celebrated in St. Peter's Basilica, in St Peter's Square or both together depending on the celebration and the expected number of people attending. Most of the masses from the Pontifical liturgical calendar at are celebrated at St Peters Basilica.
Come prenotare la Messa a Santa Marta in Vaticano?
Per partecipare dunque alla Messa celebrata dal Pontefice a Santa Marta, si deve inviare una richiesta scritta via posta ordinaria a: Segreteria di Sua Santità Francesco, Casa Santa Marta, 00120 Città del Vaticano.
Where can I have a mass with the Pope?
- ◊ Masses with the Pope at the Vatican ◊. Papal Masses: Masses with the Pope at the Vatican can be celebrated in St. Peter's Basilica, in St Peter's Square or both together depending on the celebration and the expected number of people attending.
Where can I go to a mass in Rome?
- Easter Masses & Christmas Eve Masses are traditionally celebrated at St Peter's Basilica. Capacity is limited and it can be very hard sometimes to get tickets for these events so you must book far in advance, no less than 2 months usually.
How much does it cost to go to a Papal Mass?
- Tickets are always free. If you have a regular ticket to participate in a Papal Mass and you are looking for a good close up picture of the Pope or a location close to the Altar you will need to arrive early to the Mass.