Quanto vale in lire italiane 1 euro?

Quanto vale in lire italiane 1 euro?
Inserisci l'importo da convertire nella casella a sinistra di Euro. Utilizza le valute di "scambio" per rendere Lira Italiana la valuta di default....Opzioni.
coinmill.com | |
1.00 | 1936 |
2.00 | 3873 |
5.00 | 9681 |
When did Euro replace lira in Italy?
- The lira was the official unit of currency in Italy until 1 January 1999, when it was replaced by the euro (euro coins and notes were not introduced until 2002). Old lira denominated currency ceased to be legal tender on 28 February 2002.
Do Italians use lire or Euro?
- The Italian Lira was the currency of Italy from 18, when it was replaced by the Euro. The origin of the name 'lira' lies in the Roman word 'libra', the ancient Roman weight equal to one 'pound'.
Can you use lira in Italy?
- In Italy, you can still find places to exchange lira for euro. by Roberto Faben. For anyone who’s still holding on to old Italian lira, there’s a new opportunity to exchange them for euro. But you must have written proof that shows that you've requested reimbursement by Febru.
What is Italian lire worth?
- Are Italian lire worth anything? The rare italian coin of 100 lire of 1956 have a value ranging from €. A 100 lire piece from the year 19 have a value that can reach 600€. The coins from 19 are worth from 1 € and a piece of 100 lira coins from 19 can be worth about 50€.