Come capire se si ha un tumore alla spalla?

Come capire se si ha un tumore alla spalla?
Il sintomo più comune dell'osteosarcoma è il dolore all'osso colpito dal tumore, insieme a gonfiore o tumefazioni. Il grado di dolore varia a seconda della dimensione e dello stadio della malattia: inizialmente può essere debole e intermittente, ma con il tempo in genere la situazione peggiora.
What is a tumor of the scapula?
- “A common benign tumor of the scapula is an osteochondroma,” says Dr. Rue. This means an overgrowth of the cartilage where it attaches to the bone. An osteochondroma, however, can transform into cancer. What doctors look out for as a red flag for this is a cartilaginous cap on the tumor that exceeds two cm in thickness.
How common is a winged scapula with osteochondroma tumors?
- A younger person with an osteochondroma tumor is more likely to be misdiagnosed as having a winged scapula than is a middle aged patient, because this condition is more common in people 10 to 30.
What is telangiectatic osteosarcoma of the scapula?
- Osteosarcoma is a frequent malignant neoplasm of the scapula [ 2 ]. Both chondroblastic and osteoblastic types have been reported ( Fig. 7A ); however, we discuss the telangiectatic type. Similar to the chondrosarcoma, the telangiectatic type of osteosarcoma may be lytic and expansile (Figs. 7B, 7C, 7D) and can mimic benign scapular neoplasms.
Can breast cancer cause winged scapula?
- Sports injuries, surgeries, or other health issues can cause nerve damage and result in winged scapula, but breast cancer is one cause that is often overlooked. Winged scapula can happen to any person who has had an axillary lymph node dissection as part of a mastectomy procedure.