Quali sono in Italia i carceri di massima sicurezza?

Quali sono in Italia i carceri di massima sicurezza?
La casa di reclusione di Opera, sita in via Camporgnago 40 a Opera, è la più grande delle 208 carceri italiane: contiene circa 1.400 detenuti, di cui 1.300 con condanne definitive.
Quanti carceri ci sono in Italia 41 bis?
Di questi, 749 sono sottoposti al regime speciale previsto dall'art. 41-bis dell'Ordinamento Penitenziario: sono ristretti in 12 istituti penitenziari e fra loro si contano 13 donne.
What does 41-bis stand for?
- In Italian law, Article 41-bis of the Prison Administration Act (also known as Italy's "hard prison regime") is a provision that allows the Minister of Justice or the Minister of the Interior to suspend certain prison regulations.
What is Article 41-bis of the Italian Penal Code?
- Article 41-bis was introduced in 1975 (Prison Administration Act, Law no. 354 of J) as an emergency measure to deal with prison unrest and revolts during the years of lead (Italian: anni di piombo), characterized by widespread social conflicts and terrorism acts carried out by extra-parliamentary movements.
What is the 41-bis prison system?
- According to American immigration judge Darcy Sitgraves in October 2007, the 41-bis prison regime was designed to physically and psychologically compel criminals to reveal information about the Sicilian Mafia and constituted "coercion … not related to any lawfully imposed sanction or punishment, and thus constitutes torture."