Who originally wrote Stairway to Heaven?

Who originally wrote Stairway to Heaven?
Led Zeppelin Robert PlantJimmy Page Stairway to Heaven/Compositori
What is Robert Plant's birthday?
Aug (age 73 years) Robert Plant/Data di nascita
Who wrote Black Dog?
Robert Plant Jimmy PageJohn Paul Jones Black Dog/Compositori
Was Stairway to heaven ever released as a single?
- This year marks the 40th anniversary of the release of the Led Zeppelin song "Stairway to Heaven", which is undoubtedly their magnum opus and biggest hit record of their career. The song was released as a single in January 1972 in the UK, two months after the release of their Led Zeppelin IV album.
How many steps are on the stairway to Heaven?
- The Haʻikū Stairs, also known as the Stairway to Heaven or Haʻikū Ladder, is a steep hiking trail on the island of Oʻahu, Hawaii. The total 3,922 steps span along Oahu's Ko'olau mountain range.
How many times has stairway to Heaven been played?
- Though never released as a single, "Stairway to Heaven" is the most played song on FM radio to date. As of the year 2000, "Stairway to Heaven" had been played on the radio over 3 million times. At eight minutes per play, that adds up to about 46 years of continuous playback.
What does buying the stairway to Heaven mean?
- a stairway to heaven is a hit of intravenously injected cocaine or heroin directly into the jugular. It gets its name for either the great pleasure it induces or the great likelihood that it will kill you. Also a general term for heroin; the song could arguably be about a woman buying her next hit of smack.