Come applicare italo Friends?

Come applicare italo Friends?
I gruppi da 2 a 10 viaggiatori viaggiano in Ambiente Smart, con sconti fino al -50% sul prezzo del biglietto! COME FUNZIONA? - Seleziona l'offerta Italo Friends e procedi con il tuo acquisto.
Come acquistare italo giovani?
Se hai tra i 14 e i 29 anni, viaggi con sconti fino al -50% in ambiente Smart. Il biglietto è acquistabile fino a 7 giorni prima della partenza su tutti i canali e ti potrà essere richiesto dal nostro personale di bordo un documento di riconoscimento valido.
How do I connect with my social account on Italo?
- In order to connect with your social account, please log in using your Italo access details. Haven't you registered yet? Do you have a Promo Code? Where can I find Credito Italo?
What is simplified Carta?
- Simplified. Carta helps private companies, public companies, and investors manage their cap tables, valuations, investments, and equity plans. Carta, formerly eShares, changes how companies, investors, and employees manage equity and ownership.
What is the purpose of Carta?
- Simplified. Carta helps private companies, public companies, investors, and employees manage their cap tables, valuations, portfolio investments, and equity plans. Carta, formerly eShares, changes how companies, investors, and employees manage equity and ownership.
What is eShares (Carta)?
- Carta, formerly eShares, changes how companies, investors, and employees manage equity and ownership. With Carta, cap tables stay up to date, valuations are fast and audit-ready, offering liquidity is simple, and shareholders know what they own.