Come si capisce se si ha un tumore alla prostata?

Come si capisce se si ha un tumore alla prostata?
Quando la massa tumorale cresce, dà origine a sintomi urinari: difficoltà a urinare (in particolare a iniziare) o bisogno di urinare spesso, dolore quando si urina, sangue nelle urine o nello sperma, sensazione di non riuscire a urinare in modo completo.
What is the best medicine for prostate?
- If lifestyle changes don't help or aren't suitable for you, you may be offered medicine. Alpha blockers relax the muscle in the prostate gland and at the base of the bladder, making it easier to pass urine. Commonly used alpha-blockers are tamsulosin and alfuzosin. Anticholinergics relax the bladder muscle if it's overactive.
What is the best medicine for prostate cancer?
- Radiation therapy has been used to treat prostate cancer for many years. Recent advances allow doctors to target prostate cancer cells more precisely and with a higher dose of radiation, lowering the risk of unwanted side effects while at the same time improving effectiveness.
What are the medications for prostate cancer?
- Some of the chemo drugs used to treat prostate cancer include: Docetaxel (Taxotere) Cabazitaxel (Jevtana) Mitoxantrone (Novantrone) Estramustine (Emcyt)
What medications cause an enlarged prostate?
- Finasteride (Proscar) or dutasteride (Avodart) can cause the prostate to shrink. As a result, the urinary symptoms may improve. These drugs are most helpful in men who have at least moderate enlargement of the prostate. Tadalafil (Cialis for daily use) has recently been approved for the treatment of BPH.