Cosa fece Sant'efisio?

Cosa fece Sant'efisio?
Efisio, Efis in lingua sarda (Elia, 250 – Nora, 15 gennaio 303) è stato un martire cristiano sotto Diocleziano, venerato come santo dalla Chiesa cattolica. Il suo culto è molto diffuso nel Sud della Sardegna, l'isola dove subì il martirio.
Quando si festeggia s Antioco?
13 novembre L'attuale comune sardo di Sant'Antioco e l'omonima isola prendono da lui il nome. Qui il santo viene festeggiato il quindicesimo giorno dopo Pasqua (la festa principale), il 1º agosto e il 13 novembre.
Quando è nato Sant'efisio?
250 dopo CristoSant'Efisio / Data di nascita
What is Sardinia's Festa di Sant'Efisio?
- As one of the largest and most colourful festivals in the world, Festa di sant'Efisio (the festival of Saint Efisio) marks an important part of history for the island of Sardinia. A celebration which lasts an impressive four days, it begins on the 1 st of May each year, where a procession from Cagliari travels to Nora and back,...
What is the Feast of Sant'Efisio?
- Taking place on the 1st of May every year, the Feast of Sant’Efisio is attended by locals and visitors who enjoy the colours and sounds that come with a lively Italian parade and celebration. This traditional festival is celebrated each year from 1st to 4th May.
Why do we carry a statue of Sant'Efisio?
- They pleaded with the martyred saint to rid the city of plague, and he duly delivered: by 1656 the plague was over, and the pledge the locals had made to carry a statue of Sant’Efisio through the streets of Cagliari every year has been met ever since. What began as a small demonstration of thanks soon became a major event.
What is the Efisio procession?
- In essence, this festival is a large and colourful procession in which a statue of Saint Efisio begins a four day journey from Cagliari to Nora and back again. The locals dress in their village’s traditional clothing, and even the horses and oxen used to transport elaborate carts are dressed for the occasion.