Quanti sono i Sustainable Development Goals?

Quanti sono i Sustainable Development Goals?
I 17 obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile OSS (Sustainable Development Goals SDGs) e i 169 sotto-obiettivi ad essi associati costituiscono il nucleo vitale dell'Agenda 2030. Tengono conto in maniera equilibrata delle tre dimensioni dello sviluppo sostenibile, ossia economica, sociale ed ecologica.
What is the United Nations Global Compact?
- The United Nations Global Compact is a voluntary initiative based on CEO commitments to implement universal sustainability principles and to undertake partnerships in support of UN goals.
Who is the Executive Director of the UN Global Compact 2020?
- On 22 of May 2020, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced the appointment of Sanda Ojiambo of Kenya as Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact. As the second...
What is the Global Compact for Corporate Citizenship?
- Corporate Citizenship in the World Economy Human Rights Labour Environment Anti-Corruption. The United Nations strongly encourages all vendors to actively participate in the Global Compact. The Global Compact is a voluntary international corporate citizenship network initiated to support the participation of both the private sector...
What is the tenth principle of the Global Compact?
- During the first Global Compact Leaders Summit, held on at UN Headquarters in New York, the Secretary-General announced the addition of a tenth principle against corruption. The refusal to participate or condone human rights abuses. The elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation.