Come funziona il roaming in Croazia?

Come funziona il roaming in Croazia?
Per le chiamate con i cellulari Omnitel e Wind dalla Croazia all'Italia attualmente si pagano 2 euro al minuto (TIM 1 euro al minuto). Anche per le chiamate che si ricevono in roaming bisogna pagare: 0,50 euro al minuto per Vodafone e Tim, addirittura 1,5 euro per Wind.
Come funziona il roaming in Italia?
Il Roaming permette di utilizzare lo smartphone per effettuare chiamate, inviare SMS e navigare in rete appoggiandosi alla rete mobile di un altro operatore internet quando ci si trova in zone in cui il proprio gestore telefonico non ha copertura, oppure, quando si è all'estero.
What is the new EU roaming regulation?
- Roaming – Commission proposes new regulation to ensure eu travellers continue to benefit from free roaming Thanks to the Roaming Regulation roaming charges ended on and Europeans travelling within the EU countries can Roam Like at Home and pay domestic prices for roaming calls, SMS and data.
How much will I be charged for roaming in Europe?
- You can only be charged a maximum of €0.19 (+ VAT) a minute for calls to another EU country, and a maximum of €0.06 (+ VAT) per SMS sent to another EU country. Remember, when you call another EU country while roaming in the EU you'll pay your home country's internal domestic rate for these calls.
What is roaming like at home?
- Thanks to the Roaming Regulation roaming charges ended on 15 June 2017 and Europeans travelling within the EU countries can Roam Like at Home and pay domestic prices for roaming calls, SMS and data.
What happens if I go over my roaming allowance while roaming?
- If you go over your allowance while roaming, you will be charged extra. However, this surcharge will be limited to the wholesale data cap (€3.50 / GB + VAT in 2020). Paulina in Luxembourg pays €40 (excluding VAT) for her mobile phone contract, which includes unlimited calls, text messages (SMS) and data.