Cosa misura il Ftse Mib?

Cosa misura il Ftse Mib?
1.2 L'indice FTSE MIB misura la performance di 40 azioni quotate su Borsa Italiana con l'obiettivo di replicare la composizione settoriale del mercato azionario italiano. L'indice è ricavato partendo dall'insieme di tutte le azioni quotate sui mercati Euronext Milan e Euronext MIV Milan di Borsa Italiana (BIt).
Quali sono gli indici di borsa?
Indici di Borsa
- FTSE All-Share.
- FTSE Italia Mid Cap.
- FTSE Italia STAR.
- FTSE Italia Small Cap.
- FTSE Italia Growth.
What is the FTSE MIB index?
- FTSE MIB. The FTSE MIB (Milano Indice di Borsa) (the S&P/MIB prior to June 2009) is the benchmark stock market index for the Borsa Italiana, the Italian national stock exchange, which superseded the MIB-30 in September 2004. The index consists of the 40 most-traded stock classes on the exchange.
Who owns the FTSE 100 Index?
- The index was administered by Standard & Poor's from its inception until June 2009, when this responsibility was passed to FTSE Group, which is 100% owned by the Borsa Italiana's parent company London Stock Exchange Group . Both the intraday and closing high were 50,109.00 on .
What is the FTSE 40 index?
- The index consists of the 40 most-traded stock classes on the exchange. The index was administered by Standard & Poor's from its inception until June 2009, when this responsibility was passed to FTSE Group, which is 100% owned by the Borsa Italiana's parent company London Stock Exchange Group .